Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You have turned my sadness into coca-cola

September 22, 2010 3:04 PM

This morning I woke up and felt completely empty inside. I was physically and emotionally drained. My body was weak due to lack of sleep, and no exercise (I miss running and swimming). In addition I felt distant and disconnected from God. I had feelings of emptiness, I felt alone. I laid in bed for what I thought was hours, arguing mentally with myself. I felt like I was ineffective and unable to serve and help here in Haiti. I felt like this whole trip had been a waste. I'm not
gonna lie, sometimes I tend to think dramatically like this- and it is not the hardest thing in to world to bring me near depression. However, I was trying to find the root of this feeling. I called out to God, and called out, and called out. Still no answer.

After a while of just sitting there in silence I opened up my Bible and started to read. Then I closed it and remained sitting in silence- listening. still nothing.

funny thing is- I thought I had been up for hours, I thought it was around 11:00. However it was only a couple minutes. The moment I woke up I started having these feelings and thoughts and down I go. The downward spiral pulled me down faster than I could even realize. Before I knew it I was knee deep in emptiness, completely drained.

Then I snapped out of it, praying "please help me to get out of this funk, I don't know where these feelings are coming from but I want them to stop" and I kept praying and kept asking God. But nothing happened.

It was only when I had stopped asking God, that I was rescued from these thoughts. Then thats when I realized- God doesn't just want me to ask for His help when I am in desperate need. He wants me to depend on Him 24/7 not just in hard times. Then I t
hought to myself "it is actually all the time that I am in desperate need of God. Not just when things are tough, but also when things are going good- I desperately need God."

Now after prayer and God's word, I am doing swell. It's amazing how the devil uses even the smallest things (such as being tired, and a little sick), as a foothold. But what is even more amazing is the love that God has for us that He cares enough to reach down into our lives and pick us up once we fall and set us on our feet, scrape off the dirt from our knees and wipe the blood from our elbows and say "I love you, no matter how many times you fail".

another crazy thing is, how good coke taste in haiti. its like a magical unicorn sent from God picked the ingredients and decided that high fructose corn syrup should be replaced with pure cane juice. and then the angles said, "let's replace the can with a glass bottle."
and all I have to say is amen.

In Honor of Bilbo and Frodo

Today is National Hobbit day. We should all commemorate today, because it's nice to have holidays. Some suggestions for celebrating are; giving gifts, watching lord of the rings, singing hobbit songs, smoking a pipe, lighting off fireworks, dancing, and going barefoot. Another great way to celebrate is plant a garden, and don't do any homework (for at least today). Since I am missing celebrating this holiday with my friends and family I will simply have to re-celebrate once I get back.

Just to prove to you that I am not making this up, I did some research last night before heading to bed.

"Hobbit Day is the birthday of the hobbits Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, two fictional characters in J. R. R. Tolkien's popular set of books The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings."Both Bilbo and Frodo were said to be born on September 22, but of different years. Bilbo was born in the year of 2890 and Frodo in the year of 2968 in the Third Age (1290 and 1368 respectively in Shire-Reckoning.)""Celebration
The Fellowship of the Ring opened with a celebration of Bilbo's birthday. It was a large party with food, fireworks, dancing and much merriment.
In real world some Tolkien fans celebrate with having parties and feasts emulating the hobbit's parties. Others celebrate by simply going barefooted in honour of the hobbits, who rarely wear shoes.
Many schools and libraries use this as an opportunity to garner interest in Tolkien's work by putting up displays and hosting events

Also during my research I found that this week as a whole is also to be celebrated as Tolkien Week(Tolkien Week is the week containing Hobbit Day)

"The American Tolkien Society first proclaimed Hobbit Day and Tolkien Week in 1978, and defines them as this: "Tolkien Week is observed as the calendar week containing September 22, which is always observed as Hobbit Day", but acknowledges that Hobbit Day pre-dates their designation."

I know not everyone is as excited about this as I am. But relax a little, take a break and celebrate Hobbit day, (and if you're extra daring spread some cheer for Tolkien Week)

over and out

Monday, September 20, 2010


“This was a very typical time. I was single. All you needed was a cup of tea, a light, and your stereo, you know, and that’s what I had.”
—Steve Jobs 1982

Since I have been here in Haiti I have seen just how little people have. It has made me think how much stuff I have that I don't need. I want to live simple. This is an inspiration.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

what is God teaching me

September 18, 2010 12:08 PM

Wow, 3 days have gone by already! No way! Let me go over quickly what happened.

I got an avocado the size of a football! It was delicious

I drove down to Port-au-Prince in a bus and picked up a team from MFI (missionary flights international). It was pretty cool.

I started working on my grandparents newsletter. If you asked me 2 days ago I would say “I don’t want to talk about it” but now its almost done so I am happy.

I only have 9 days left here. And I think I am starting to see what God is teaching me.

Since the time I arrived here I have realized more and more how much I don’t rely on God. I tend to get distracted with other things. Little things seem to get in my way, I become “too busy”. When I realize I need to spend more time with God, my day becomes packed, distractions come, or I fall into temptation.

It seems that every chance I have to refocus is plagued by distractions, and once I have mastered ignoring those distractions, a whole new set of distractions come. Its like a line from the movie Elisabethtown (I watched it when I was sick, and I don’t care if it’s a chick flick, I liked it) “if its not this, it would be something else”. How true that is. “If its not this distraction, or temptation, it would be something else”.

I don’t think at any time we are going to have it easy. It’s not easy to stay focused on God and depend on Him. There are always going to be things pulling us away from Him. I have been learning how much I have to mentally seek after God, and physically make time for Him. I am learning how to push past distractions and stay focused on Him and His will.

Sometimes the distractions can even things that are good. It could be teaching, leading a small group, leading worship, mentoring, etc. that pulls you away from God. These things (if you are too involved) can have a negative impact on your walk with Christ. A wise man (I cant remember if it was Andrew Schwab from Project 86, or Jimmy Ryan from Haste the Day) once told me “Ministry is the overflow of personal devotion”.

That means that Ministry is not being a Youth Pastor, Missionary, or Worship leader- those are only jobs. Ministry is the outcome of when you are devoted to Christ, letting Him work through you. What we now call “Ministry” can become just a job if you aren’t devoted to God. In John 15:2 it says that those who bear fruit- He prunes. I read a little bit of taking care of a vineyard, and the vinedresser was talking about how the vines usually produce flowers in the spring. He said they are beautiful blossoms and they smell nice too, but every spring he goes out and cuts off the blossoms, because- although the flowers are attractive and smell good they suck the nourishment that would go to the fruit. So things that appear to be good, and are even “good” things can suck the nourishment that belongs to the fruit. What is fruit?

Galatians 5 says that fruit is from the Spirit, and that fruit is; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self control. This fruit does not come by the flesh, but by the Spirit, and no matter how hard you try to possess these positive characteristics you can’t. The works of the flesh are evident, and they are against the fruit of the Spirit. Paul says the flesh and the spirit are at war, or opposed to/with each other. Real fruit then is the Spirit working in and through you.

So when God prunes you, it is so He can work in you more effectively, without pretty flowers getting in the way. There may be things that He takes away because it is inhibiting you from Gods potential for you (even though these things may be good). Sometimes leading worship can take so much time and preparing, that it distracts you from spending time with God- Prune. Sometimes you are doing so much ministry that you don’t make time to talk to God- Prune. Sometimes you care so much about helping people that you are distracted from what God is teaching you in YOUR life- Prune Sometimes you are so involved in helping others grow, you stop seeking to grow yourself- Prune.

Right now I think I’m being pruned a lot and it’s not cause I am doing a lot of “good” stuff, it’s just cause I’m messed up.

Over and out.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hobbit Song

I don't know why I love this but I do. and its so catchy if you know the tune.

Hey, ho, to the bottle I go,
To heal my heart and drown my woe!
Rain may fall and wind may blow,
But there still beeeeee many miles to go!

Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain,
And stream that falls from hill to plain!
Better than rain or rippling brook,
Is a mug of beer inside this Took!

Strange and dark is the world outside,
But in the pub we've naught to hide!
With lots of ale, and barley wine,
This evenin' is surpassin' fine!

Harvest's in and cold without,
An' hobbits strong are hobbits stout!
Naught to fear, and naught to think,
For hobbits nowwww have ale to drink!

The Shire lays right down to sleep,
In slumber long and slumber deep!
Hushed be hobbit lass and lad,
With faces plump and faces glad!

A land of peace and a hobbit hole
And in a pouch a pipeweed roll!
Never falter, never fear,
For the Shire will always be here!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I could be brown, I could blue, I could be violet sky, I could be hurtful, I could be purple, I could be anything you like

iSeptember 15, 2010 3:38 PM

Its been a great day so far. Really productive! I got a lot of stuff done here at the mission. And I also ate 1/3 of now’n’laters package! So yes it was a great day today so far. Last night I had an amazing quite time. I wrote out a prayer, and I was thinking about posting it, but I’m not sure how that would be perceived. Then again not a lot of people read this, what do you think?

Over and out.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Haitian Happiness

September 13, 2010 10:12 PM

I have been sick all day, I haven’t left bed except to poop and throw up. We call this “Haitian Happiness” and I wasn’t too happy, but I was filled with joy.

This girl. I love this girl.

Over and out.

Ps. My beard itches.

Thank you oh my father

September 12, 2010 8:06 PM

I just got back from our little trip. We went to a little town called Hench. It was a 3½ hour long drive there, we left at 6am so we got there just in time to attend a church service. They asked each of us to share a little in front of the congregation. It was a little intimidating because I certainly didn’t have anything prepared to say. But I did anyways and it actually wasn’t as bad as I thought. I wasn’t expecting on attending a church, so I had my most raggedy shirt and cutoffs on. In Haiti they all dress up really nice. People may even carry their Sunday outfit miles in a bag and then change once they get to church. So I felt very under dressed.

There was 7 of us that went. But I was the youngest so I got to ride in the back the whole way. I don’t want to complain because I am so thankful that I got to go, but my back is wrecked! It hurts to stand up straight. I wish God had blessed me with longer legs instead of a longer torso. But beggars cant be choosers eh?

We ate at a pretty cool restaurant and I had chicken, rice and beans, beet salad, 7up and a football sized fresh avocado. It was amazing,

We got to visit some of the sponsored kids, I was traveling with their sponsor parents. And we deliver some gifts for them as well as food for their family. We also brought boxes of food and supplies for the school in Hench that the mission supports.

We got to visit the houses of the sponsor kids, but one kid was in the hospital, so we went to his house and then to the hospital to visit for a little. He was so weak, he didn’t move much, at least until we brought out the football.

Once we got back I got to go to the bible study that all the BHM staff attends. This week it was on Moses taking the Israelites across the Red Sea. We started to understand how much faith it took for Israel to cross the sea. God was using that as a test for them. Just like He continues to test us, to show us how small our trust is, and how big He is, and how worthy His trust is. When I go through hard times I hope one day my first instinct will be to turn to God and praise Him for helping me grow. Instead I find myself turning to Him and grumbling, just like the Israelites.

Thank you oh my father for giving us your son and leaving your spirit till your work on earth is done

Over and out.

cutoff jeans and flip-flops

September 11, 2010 10:56 PM

I just finished fixing and putting back together a soundboard for a church 30 minutes away. So tomorrow they can use it! there was about 250 screws and they were all different sizes and had different threads and it was a pain. But the real pain was soldering it all and then putting back all the wires where they needed to be. So I am glad that that is done. On my way back to my room I was all alone and it was pitch black. My room is pretty far away, like a 2 ½ minute walk and it was just me and my baby light from my phone. I hate that walk every night, I get that feeling that someone is following me or is gonna pop out of somewhere. Anyways tonight there was a bunch of dogs on the way back to the room. These aren’t normal dogs, these are Haitian dogs, they eat each other for breakfast literally (well actually dinner).

I was debating just walking to my room and kicking a couple of them and fighting them off, or scaring them. But my cutoff jeans and flip-flops said no. so I waited and waited and waited, and the dogs finally left.

Tomorrow morning I leave at 6am to drive to the northern part of Haiti. I get to go and visit some sponsor kids! Were bringing some supplies and gifts for them. I will be gone all day, but ill get back in time for dinner. I will try to take pictures so be on the lookout!

Over and out.

Ps. Why do people yell when they are praying? A little girl once told me it was because “God is really really old and he can’t hear good”.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

holding on to hope

one of my favorite bands.

i love how you can hear the passion in his voice.

Well time tears this empire down
We're caught beneath the shambles of what seemed so meant to be
But ill press on, ill press on
Memories like mountains on this journeys
Thoughts like a disease
Why break again whats already been broken?
Your so distant but i feel you pressing on me.
Is this what you wanted? Taking it from me?
The night is still, my body shakes
Change is out of reach

Tied By Miles I'll the pieces together

A love unconditional, only you only you!
A love uncondtional, only you only you!

But Ill still love you in the end cause
But Ill still love you in the end case.

You've always loved me!
You've always loved me!

Im wearing thin, oh im wearing so thin
Im about to break, about break

Wont you lend a hand? God lend me your hand.

NO ive seen this place before, face on the floor.
SON I am this love you seek, just lay your life at my feet.

Friday, September 10, 2010

dog civil war once the sun goes down

September 9, 2010 10:40 AM

Where did yesterday go? Wow…

Well not much has happened since then. I finished soldering all the music cables and now I am on to fixing a mixing board for a church. One of the fuses was blown so I am going down into port-au-prince tomorrow to try to find a replacement. I get to take a tap-tap, which is Haiti’s taxi service. A tap-tap is basically any brightly painted vehicle packed to maximum capacity. By maximum capacity I mean, people, chickens and goats hanging out the side and on the roof.

Today I had a great conversation with my uncle on the current state of the church and how it is affecting the youth. More on that later.

Ps. I think I am getting sick, and I cant fall asleep at night cause for some reason every dog in Haiti thinks its dog civil war once the sun goes down.

September 9, 2020 10:21 PM

Wow the day sure went by, right now I can’t tell if it was long or short. We got down to port-au-prince just fine on the tap tap. However once we got there we had ZERO success on finding the part we needed. On the other hand I was successful at finding and locating some razzle-berry now’n’laters and some Arizona sweet tea! That made my day. Once we had exhausted every electronic store in all of port-au-prince we headed back up to the mission. We had to take two tap-taps to get there.

The first tap-tap we took seemed like it would be a really nice comfortable ride up. It was like a 14 passenger van. But as we went along we slowly started to pick up more and more people until we were so packed I could hardly breath. People were everywhere, it was so packed someone from outside had to close the door.

We got off the first tap-tap once we went as far as it was going. Then we walked up the mountain until another tap-tap drove by and hoped on the back. This tap-tap was like a ford ranger. The only difference between this ford ranger and a ford ranger in the states was- this already had 21 people in it. so we grabbed on the back and hung on. I have to admit that after about 25 minutes my arms we sore.

Once we got back I got to restart my project of fixing a churches soundboard for church on Suday. Since we didn’t get the part we needed I had to tear apart and look for it in; 3 broken computer monitors, 4 broken desktop computers, a broken power amp, and some broken medical equipment. Alas, I found parts that were close, but none that would work. How hard can it be to find a 1µf, 400 volt capacitor?

After all this was pizza night, followed by game night- a great way to wrap up the week.

Here are some pictures of hanging some speakers at a church on Monday. Hopefully I can upload some from our tap-tap ride soon

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

They shall return and shall dwell beneath my shadow

September 7, 2010 8:45 AM

I just got out of the shower and it feels so nice to be clean. I started an amazing quiet time, but it got interrupted so I could make toast and coffee. And I must say, that was a great idea because now I can enjoy my 1st meal of the day and not have to rush or skip it. AND I get to spend more time doing my devos, which come out of Hosea ch. 14. As I read I thought of a song by Phil Wickham titled “The Light Will Come” . I can only imagine this is how Israel must have felt after all this time when they have lost all hope, Israel finally repented and cried out for God, and God comes and says;

“I will heal their apostasy; I will love them freely. For my anger has turned from them. I will be like the dew to Israel; he shall blossom like the lily; he shall take root like the trees of Lebanon; his shoots shall spread out; his beauty shall be like the olive, and his fragrance like Lebanon. They shall return and shall dwell beneath my shadow; they shall flourish like the grain, the shall blossom like the vine their fame shall be like the wine of Lebanon “


When we arrive at eternity shore where death is just a memory and tears are no more. Well enter in as the wedding bells ring, your bride will come together and we’ll sing You’re beautiful.

This morning I also had an amazing little worhip service all by myself and it was WONDERFUL. I remember talking to one of my dear friends josh about how sometimes you have those amazing devotion times when you are in the presence of God and you seek after that daily. But it is never the same even if you read the same passage and pray the same prayer, because God chooses to show himself at his time. And I don’t think it’s a bad thing to want those times to come, unless it is out of selfish, and self-centered motives. Anyways just a thought.

It is well with my soul.

September 6, 2010 8:23 PM

September 6, 2010 8:23 PM

I just got back from a long day of work. 1st on the list was soldering. 2nd was fixing peoples computers. 3rd was testing a sound system. And last but not least was hanging speakers 35 feet in the air.

There is this fairly sized church about 30 minutes away from the mission and we had to re-hang the speakers so I carried some tools up with me and climbed up the ladder and spent about 1½ hours clinging on to the rafters and the ladder while working with wire clamps. Needless to say that was exciting.

We got back late, cause we also helped work on their sound system at the church. Once we got back it was dark and we had missed dinner. And I was dead tired.

When Aaron threw down his staff

September 5, 2010 9:58 PM

Today I got to help with some computer stuff again, I got to “help these old people who don’t know how to do anything on a computer” as my grandma put it. But tonight I also had a great time of fellowship and bible study with the staff. We even watched a video on the gods of Egypt and the plagues that God brought on Egypt and how they directly correlated. We also got to see what the meaning of whole staff into serpent deal was about. I’ll try to sum it up briefly- the snake was the “protector” of the Pharaohs and the staff represented power. The Pharaoh would always have a staff to represent that he was in control of his subjects like a Sheppard was in control of his sheep. When Abraham and Aaron came before Pharaoh he was prolly wondering why they had a staff and who they thought they were to carry that symbol of power. Pharaoh prolly saw it as a challenge the moment they stepped in. When Aaron threw down his staff and it turned into a snake, it challenged or shocked Pharaoh because, who is going to protect Pharaoh from Pharaohs protector? Once Pharaoh called his magicians in and they produced 2 snakes out of staffs, then Aarons STAFF ate both the other STAFFS. This was showing Gods ultimate power and Aarons source of power was in control and over Pharaohs source of power.

Anyways I thought that was pretty cool.

Also I am not sure if any one is reading this, so if you are just let me know.

Over and out.

Ps. I got to talk to hanna tonight!

And the rain storms here are amazing.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

embarrassed to eat out with

September 4, 2010 8:52 AM

Today we got locked in today :( this sucks cause someone locked us in and we don’t have keys to get out of the last gate. So right now I’m having coke in a bottle (with real sugar- yes I am pretty excited about it) and pbj for breakfast while read and pray.

September 4, 2010 9:36 AM

Still locked in but were getting help. I played some guitar and was able to have my own little worship time. It was nice. I am washing my face and brushing my teeth now, then I’m gonna go work on soldering some cables and then hopefully hike down to the waterfall. Only problem is I only brought 1 pair of shoes, and those are for church tomorrow and I brought my rainbows but its kinna like a cliff we have to hike down.

September 4, 2010 10:44 AM

Right now I am updating my blog and checking my email. I am excited to try to skype with Hanna. Yesterday I forgot to mention the long conversation I had with my uncle Chris. We talked about some of the problems that the youth today faces, and then we talked about our ideas for solutions to the current state of the church. One of the big things we talked about was just how busy people are now, they just don’t “have time” for things. People are used to just “doing” if they have a list of things to do then they can do it, but their heart most likely isn’t in it. We talked about those people that we look up to and wish we were more like, those people who actually live out the Christian lifestyle, the ones who we may even be embarrassed to eat out with because they call our waitress over and pray for her, then present the gospel. I think that if there were also more relational Christians who actually cared about each other and loved each other that would be great. But for some reason Christians just cant get along with each other and others see that as hypocritical because if we are called to love and we cant even get along with each other how is that reflecting Christ. A lack of good community is also a huge thing that the church lacks, discipleship, small groups, and accountability groups. I know that the youth today are searching for that, for people who care about them enough to spend time with them and talk and listen. It reminds me of an article I read about this guy who got out of jail and started going to church. He read through the whole bible in jail and once he started going to church he saw all the disunity and realized that the gang he came from was more loving then the so called “Christians” so he went back to his normal lifestyle. Anyways those are just some thoughts, and I didn’t really process them all in an orderly fashion. Sorry for the thoughts puked out. Next time ill try to clean it up first.

Ps. I’m really excited to skype with Hanna

along with hundreds of mosquitoes

September 3, 2010 9:57 PM

This morning I went over Romans Ch. 1 and it stayed on my mind all day, no excuse is a pretty blunt statement. Its crazy what God chooses to reveal himself to the world. Anyways today was my first day of work and I had some pretty odd jobs;

1st I worked on restoring computers, scanning hard drives for viruses, and transferring files from hard drive to hard drive.
2nd I worked on soldering back together an electric keyboard for one of the churches that the mission supports, but the work I did to restore the keyboard was in vain after I found a couple of wires missing.
3rd and most exciting I got to help with payday- that consisted of packing bags of rice, pinto beans, bulgur, peanut butter, shoes, shampoo, and soap.

It was exciting to hand out the bags we packed. After the Haitians waited (not-so-patiently in the pouring rain) it was so good to see their faces smile once they were handed a bag. The Haitians to receive their bags for the work they do on the mission, which includes but is not limited to; working in the machine shop, cooking meals, and even mowing the lawns…with machetes.

On my way back to my room tonight I was more successful at finding and using my keys and I passed at least 5 security guards on my way back, the only way I could see them was the reflection of moon on their 12 gauge shotguns (sometimes I feel like Indiana Jones in a foreign country).

The mission has a guitar I can use, and although it is not the best it is nice to have since I couldn’t bring mine. My bags were packed on the way here; funny thing is that I wasn’t the one who packed them full of stuff. My uncle had me transport some things he needed in my bags. I ended up just packing all my stuff in a carry-on backpack while my other 2 duffle bags were full of computer stuff, a sound system, and a text book for a student here.

Tonight for dinner we had pizza! It was good! And I also got a whole case of coke, in one-liter glass bottles- the good coke with real sugar, like in Mexico. And then brownies for dessert followed by a night of ping-pong while trying to get a hold of my girlfriend.

Right now I am used to being alone at nighttime, however I’m not completely alone, I have Coldplay, Phil Wickham, and Bon Iver for company along with hundreds of mosquitoes.

I’m not sure of what I am doing tomorrow (the people who give me work are taking the day off). I should head to bed though, because if I have no work to do then I am going to catch some lizards and try to hike down to a waterfall. I hope its not bath day again, because last time it was awkward hiking past a ton of butt naked Haitians.

Ps. I miss Hanna, a lot.

let him sit alone in silence when it is laid on him.

September 2, 2010 7:51 PM

I have been in Haiti for just over 12 hours now. It is dark and I had to use a flashlight to navigate my way back to where I am staying. I fumbled around with my keys to unlock the 2 gates on the way to my room, and then clumsily unlocked the my door. I came really close to dropping my keys into a deep dark ally, but don’t worry, I didn’t.

Tonight I read Lamentations chapter 3. I love Gods word and how it applies to me daily, I love how He speaks through it to me, and how His spirit moves in me when the word of God is on the forefront of my mind. Sadly I don’t seek after God as much as I should, and I do not spend as much time in His word as I should. I keep asking for signs and answers to prayer but I am so self centered that I don’t even spend time with God, let alone take time out of “my day” to read His word. Yet I find myself complaining to Him, about not feeling Him working in my life, not hearing Him, and not receiving answers to my prayers. I suck at being a disciple of God. But Lamentations 3 shows that he is faithful even when I seem to be faithless. Anyways these are some of the verses that stood out to me;

Vs 21-24 But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him”.

These next couple verse were such an answer to prayer, it’s amazing that God hears me when I cry out, that he cares for me and answers me. It’s just crazy.

Vs 25-27 the Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul that seeks him. It is good that one should WAIT QUIETLY for the salvation of the Lord.

It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth

Let him sit alone in silence when it is laid on him.

Now that’s just what I plan on doing in a little bit here. I am tired from traveling but I think I am still unable to sleep, sometimes jet lag can be a blessing (but more often it’s a curse).

This is my prayer tonight,

Vs 40-41 Let us test and examine our ways and return to the Lord. Let us lift up our hearts and hands to God in heaven.

Over and out

Ps. I forgot how much I love Haitian Coffee

the trip starts

September 1st 2010 at 6:00 PM I boarded a flight out of Santa Barbara, and on September 2nd 2010 at 7:50 AM I landed in Port-au-Prince Haiti.

I will be living and working here for then next month. My schedule at the Baptist Haiti Mission is unclear as of now- but as far as I know I will be working on filming/editing videos as well as going out w

ith teams to give aid to some of the 360 churches/schools that the missions supports.

As I was on the plane I found myself asking God “why am I going here?” that answer may be clearer to you then it is to me. The obvious answer is “to help the mission minister to Haiti”, but I was asking God for something deeper, what is His specific purpose for bring me to Haiti? What is He teaching me? What specifically is God going to do in my life now that I have saved/raised money, packed my bags, and flown down to Haiti?

I know that these are pretty self-centered questions. But still they are lingering in the back of my head. Is God be teaching me that I need to break out of my comfortable lifestyle and step out in faith daily to follow Him? Or is there something more?

As I was driving from the airport to the mission I saw hundreds maybe thousands of tents that the Haitians live in now due to the earthquake. I thought of how much I have and how hard sometimes it is for me to trust or even follow God. How can I be an example to these people who have so little? And why do I worry about such little things like, will I get done with college on time? When the people here don’t even know where their next meal is coming from.

Over and out.

Ps. I've been wearing topsiders for at least 24hours straight and when I took them off- I barfed a little bit in my mouth, close to a reaction I would have if Justin Beiber started a rock band.