Tuesday, September 7, 2010

When Aaron threw down his staff

September 5, 2010 9:58 PM

Today I got to help with some computer stuff again, I got to “help these old people who don’t know how to do anything on a computer” as my grandma put it. But tonight I also had a great time of fellowship and bible study with the staff. We even watched a video on the gods of Egypt and the plagues that God brought on Egypt and how they directly correlated. We also got to see what the meaning of whole staff into serpent deal was about. I’ll try to sum it up briefly- the snake was the “protector” of the Pharaohs and the staff represented power. The Pharaoh would always have a staff to represent that he was in control of his subjects like a Sheppard was in control of his sheep. When Abraham and Aaron came before Pharaoh he was prolly wondering why they had a staff and who they thought they were to carry that symbol of power. Pharaoh prolly saw it as a challenge the moment they stepped in. When Aaron threw down his staff and it turned into a snake, it challenged or shocked Pharaoh because, who is going to protect Pharaoh from Pharaohs protector? Once Pharaoh called his magicians in and they produced 2 snakes out of staffs, then Aarons STAFF ate both the other STAFFS. This was showing Gods ultimate power and Aarons source of power was in control and over Pharaohs source of power.

Anyways I thought that was pretty cool.

Also I am not sure if any one is reading this, so if you are just let me know.

Over and out.

Ps. I got to talk to hanna tonight!

And the rain storms here are amazing.


  1. I hadn't thought of it that way before. That makes sense. Interesting symbolism.

  2. Glad you are able to participate with the rest of the folks there. Sounds like God is teaching you a few things...
