Tuesday, September 14, 2010

cutoff jeans and flip-flops

September 11, 2010 10:56 PM

I just finished fixing and putting back together a soundboard for a church 30 minutes away. So tomorrow they can use it! there was about 250 screws and they were all different sizes and had different threads and it was a pain. But the real pain was soldering it all and then putting back all the wires where they needed to be. So I am glad that that is done. On my way back to my room I was all alone and it was pitch black. My room is pretty far away, like a 2 ½ minute walk and it was just me and my baby light from my phone. I hate that walk every night, I get that feeling that someone is following me or is gonna pop out of somewhere. Anyways tonight there was a bunch of dogs on the way back to the room. These aren’t normal dogs, these are Haitian dogs, they eat each other for breakfast literally (well actually dinner).

I was debating just walking to my room and kicking a couple of them and fighting them off, or scaring them. But my cutoff jeans and flip-flops said no. so I waited and waited and waited, and the dogs finally left.

Tomorrow morning I leave at 6am to drive to the northern part of Haiti. I get to go and visit some sponsor kids! Were bringing some supplies and gifts for them. I will be gone all day, but ill get back in time for dinner. I will try to take pictures so be on the lookout!

Over and out.

Ps. Why do people yell when they are praying? A little girl once told me it was because “God is really really old and he can’t hear good”.

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